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Eurasian Business Council


Eurasian Business Council
Consulting Center LLC

Founders of
NP "Eurasian Business Council":

Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic

Russian public organization "Russian Union of industrialists and Entrepreneurs"

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

NP «EBC» was created in September 2008. It is a non-prothe involvement of business circles in integration processes within the framework of the EurAsEC.fit organization designed to promote the involvement of business circles in integration processes within the framework of the EurAsEC.

The purpose of the
NP "Eurasian Business Council"

The main goal of the Business Council is to promote the progressive development of mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation in the space of the EurAsEC as well as the establishment of direct links between enterprises and companies of the community countries.

Representatives of the business circles of the EurAsEC member states and foreign countries who have joined the organization can fully enjoy the benefits that arise for them as a result of joint work on the formation of a Single Economic Space

The main tasks and activities of the NP "Eurasian Economic Council"

Within the framework of the NP "EBC", representatives of the business community are provided with the opportunity to work together as partners of the Business Council, who take advantage of the benefits when promoting specific projects of interest to them on the territory of theEurAsEC member states.

Main objective of the Partnership: Promotion of trade and economic cooperation.

The corporate object of the Partnership is support of business activity, high social and legal status, protection of the interests of the Partnership members in relations with state authorities and legal entities of EurAsEC member countries.

In order to achieve its statutory objectives, the Partnership shall put the following into action in accordance with the procedure defined by the legislation in force:

Assistance to Partnership members in establishing relations with respective government authorities and interested organizations.

Promotion of collaboration and cooperation and of establishment of direct affiliation between enterprises and business communities of EurAsEC member countries.

Rendering support to Partnership members in achieving agreed positions on solution of critical issues related to regulation of economic processes, building contacts between business people, accelerating information exchange process between them and further closer interoperating of industrial, commercial, banking and other economical patterns of EurAsEC member states.

Organization and participation in joint research and scientific activities.

Rendering of advisory services, legal and judiciary support to the Partnership members.

Ensuring permanent communications between the Founders.

Coordination of practical activities of the Partnership members.

Support and holding of humanitarian and cultural activities aimed at strengthening of friendship and mutual understanding between citizens of Russia, Euro-Asian and other countries; promotion of scientific, cultural and economic relations.

Organization and holding of exhibitions, competitions and festivals,
contributing to promotion and dissemination of the latest achievements in the sphere of
science, culture and education, as well as of scientific symposiums, presentations,
workshops and other modes of study and experience exchange in naturaland humanitarian spheres.

Development of recommendations on efficient use of the reserves and potential available with its members.

Establishment of cooperation ties of its members with other commercial organizations.

Analysis of the state and growth prospects of the market of works and services consistent with the profile of Partnership members’ activity.

Representation of Partnership members’ interests in governmental and other authorities as well as in international organizations.

General partners of the
NP "Eurasian Business Council":

Chamber of Commerce and Industry
of the Russian Federation

Russian Union of Industrialists
and Entrepreneurs

Committee for Support for Reforms
of the President of Russia

Russian public organization
"Russian Union of industrialists
and Entrepreneurs"

Eurasian Development

Eurasian Business Council
Consulting Center LLC

Federation of Kung Fu

Water Polo Federation
of Russia

China State Construction Engineering Corporation

Structure of the NP "Eurasian Business Council"

In accordance with the charter, the supreme governing body of NP "EBC" is the General Meeting of Partnership Members, at which the composition of the Coordinating Council and the Chairman of the Management Board are approved. The current activities of the Partnership are carried out through the Management Board.

Chairman of the Coordinating Council of NP "EBC" —  President of the Association of Financial and Industrial Groups of Russia

The Executive Director of NP "EBC" is

The General Director of the subsidiary commercial company Eurasian Business Council Consulting Center LLC is

Russia, 109012
Moscow, Slavyanskaya sq, 2/5, office 3073

Tel: +7 (495) 784-68-00
Tel/fax: +7 (495) 784-69-57


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